Rock Trail Coalition Reminder Thursday, October 12 Speaker meeting – Eric Gabriel National Park Service Superintendent for the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. 6:00 pm Beloit Public Library 605 Eclipse Boulevard, Beloit This will be a great program....
A wonderful new video by Discover Wisconsin featuring all the volunteers that have worked so hard to build and maintain trails and take care of parks in Rock County.
The Rock Trail Coalition has had an interesting year! Here are a few of the highlights: With the changes to the trails since the last map printing, the RTC is working with Visit Beloit and Janesville Convention and Visitors Bureau to update the Rock County Trails maps...
Rock Trail Coalition is hosting Pedal The Peace RIdes on Sunday, July 23, 2023 in Afton, Wisconsin. There will be three separate rides. Pedal The Peace Fun Ride is a slow and social bike ride on the newly paved Peace Trail. This will be an out-and-back ride suitable...
It’s completed! The project to pave the Peace Trail from Tripp Road to Beloit’s Big Hill Park was finished in September! Go ride it when you can! It’s wonderful! Once you get to Big Hill park, veer right and explore further using the bike trail that travels around...